Help support Shep and other students like him by giving to St Gabriel's 2024 EOFY Appeal.

I truly believe that being at school, being surrounded by his friends and having supportive teachers has made Sheppy progress like we have never seen before.”

Shepherd’s Story

Sheppy is a joyful and cheeky 7-year-old boy, who loves music, library and being a big brother. He had his first seizure just moments after being born and required a hemispherectomy at age 3. At St Gabriel’s his family have found a place where he is supported, happy and developing new skills.

Make a tax deductible donation to help our students get the best education and set them up for the future.

As we head into the end of financial year, we’d like to ask you to consider making a donation to St Gabriel's School. Every donation makes a difference, whether it’s once off or a regular monthly amount. You can even choose where you want the money to go to.

As always, we are committed to delivering high-quality education and support for our students. As a not-for-profit, we invest everything back into our school. We rely on the generous support of grants, corporate sponsors, foundations and individual donors.

The funds raised will support our new facilities, educational initiatives, and specialised equipment to support the learning of our students from K to 12. Our aim is to establish a secure, inclusive, and nurturing learning environment that fosters independence, respect, and partnership with our families and community.

In 2024, your donations will specifically assist us in:

  • Outdoor learning spaces for the students.

  • Technology and equipment for a variety of special education needs.

  • Furnishing modern facilities and classrooms to encourage hands-on and interactive learning.

  • Development of programs to aid our students in transitioning into adulthood and securing meaningful employment.

See all the amazing things our students have been doing this year…